Monday, September 29, 2014

4. Your Digital Self

Digital Media is a form of mass communication in our world
·      it  refers to any type of information in digital format including computer text, graphics, photographs, animations, sounds and video.
·       it's the combination of digital technology and creativity, communicating ideas and opinions to our society.
·      it  represents new ways of communicating between people

View the YouTube Video "What is Digital Media" posted by Kevin Kuo on his blog site
This video creatively shows many ways how Digital Media can be expressed.

Your next task in digital media is to communicate by using digital images and graphics.

Using Photoshop or Paint as a tool, create a "Digital Representation of Yourself".

This digital representation should communicate through images, who you are, what you do, what your interests are, what activities your involved in, your passions in your life and basically, what you are all about.

Get a vision in your mind of what your digital self would look like
Be creative your approach and display
Use as many of your own photographs as possible
Use Layers in Photoshop to build your Digital Self

A brief tutorial will be presented in class to get you started in Photoshop

Post your Digital Self on your blog site when completed


Thursday, September 25, 2014

3. Giving Constructive Feedback

Congratulations on creating your blog and making your first posting.

Go to your blog settings and ensure that you are able to 'moderate' comments. This will require you to fill in an email address -- one that you check frequently.
The next task is to follow, view, and comment on five of your classmates' blogs.

Give constructive feedback on their
  • definition of Digital Media
  • choice of photos used to illustrate what 'digital media' is about
  • creativity used in presenting Digital Media


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

2. Blogging: An Introduction to Digital Media

Create your own ACSS Digital Media Blog on

Take a "quick tour" on setting up a blog and check out the "video tutorial" feature.

Decide which template you wish to use along with your choice of colors and fonts and complete your profile.

For your first post, explain and illustrate in your own terms, what Digital Media is all about.
Use your photographs to reinforce your ideas and examples.
Be creative in how you display your Introduction to Digital Media Post.

After creating your digital blog, provide your URL address so links can be made to this site.

1.1 What is Digital Media?

Media is a form of mass communication.  It is spread through the internet T.V., radio, magazines, books, newspapers etc. 

Digital Media
·       refers to any type of information in digital format including computer text, graphics, photographs, animations, sounds and video.

·       is the combination of digital technology & creativity, communicating ideas and opinions to our society.

·       represents new ways of communicating between people.

Examples of Digital Media could include:
  • Digital photography
  • Computer Image Creation
  • Interactive multimedia
  • Digital video and film production
  • Web design
  • Digital animation
  • Digital sound technology
  • Graphic design for print and web

Introduction: What is Digital Media?
  1. Research and include your own definition of Digital Media 
  2. Include 3 more forms of  Digital Media to this list.                 
  3. Research and explain in your own written words each of the examples above.
  4. Provide your own photographs to accompany your explanation for each type of digital media.
  5. What are the tools of Digtial Media?
Create your Digital Media folder in dropbox and save your work. You will be needing this information for your first Digital Media Assignment.

Monday, September 22, 2014

1. Digital Media

Welcome to ACSS Digital Media

Before we get going on the course, your first task is to find out what Digital Media is all about.

So using some digital tools, like the computer you are on now, the Internet, Office Word and Photoshop, find out and present in a concise and creative manner what Digital Media means to you.

Introduction to Digital Media:
  1. Research and include your own definition of Digital Media.
  2. List as many forms of Digital Media as you can.           
  3. Research and explain in your own written words each of your examples above.
  4. Provide your own photographs to accompany your explanation for each type of digital media.
  5. What are the tools of Digital Media?

Create your Digital Media folder in Dropbox and save your work. You will be needing this information for your first Digital Media Assignment.