Monday, January 19, 2015

Personal Assignment

Now is the time for your Personal Project.

The Slackers

Decide on a theme you want to make your Digital message about.

It could be something like a personal interest, a club that you belong to, a sports team that you're part of, or just something that you like to do.

It could be about movies, or cellphone use, music, dancing, or singingSkateboarding, video game addiction, or even having to wear braces could be possible projects.

Whatever it is, get a firm idea of what you want to make your message about and then brainstorm how you'll get your message across.

Set your goals realistically, and then use at least four types of digital media to present your message.

Your completed first assignment listed the possible types of Digial Media. Go back to that list and determine what variety of digital media you could possibly use, and of course your competence in using them. Although TV is a powerful media tool, doing a TV show on "How I got my braces off" is not a good idea.

Put some ideas down and work out a general plan on how you'd like your message to come across. Think about the tone you want to set, the feeling you want to establish, the impact you want to leave.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

21. ACSS Creative Yearbook Submission

As Digital Media students your assignment is to capture the spirit and mood of ACSS with digital images, then combine, alter and compose those images into creative scenes.

Take photos which shows great spirit and fun of students and at least one staff member in our school.

Work with photoshop, and hand in your 5 best compositions in the Yearbook Folder.

Post a blog with your best 5 photos and explain what its all about.

Dr. Who the Student

Little Red Riding Hood 

Supergirl spotted at ACSS

Scenes created by Daniel Haney for the Halloween Assignment.

Monday, January 5, 2015

20. Photo Challenge: Lone Survivor

 A virus has wiped out the population of earth...minus one. You're the last person, living in a world built for billions. For this Photo Challenge, capture this feeling by featuring just one subject in a vast urban or natural landscape.

The Challenge


Take a photo in which just one person is featured in a vast landscape. The more empty the world seems, the better.

The Technique

For this challenge, your setting and framing are everything. The smaller you can make the person in the larger the space, the more isolating the effect.

Context can be powerful. Empty urban spaces hold incredible potential here. But how do you capture an empty urban space? Off hours—especially early morning—can be surprisingly desolate.

But you can also take matters into your own hands. By combining several photos taken from the exact same spot, stacking only the empty parts together, you potentially Photoshop together an empty space, even in a somewhat busy area.

The photos that follow are impossible. But they actually happened. The entries for this week&apos... Read moreRead on

The Example

Our lead image is from Vanilla Sky, and while you probably lack the budget to close Times Square, you can use the context of the environment to paint the world as ephemeral and empty.