Monday, October 27, 2014

11. Halloween

HALLOWEEN....what does it MEEN?

Part A

What are the origins of Halloween?

How did it all get started and how has it evolved into what we know as modern day Halloween?

Dig up some history on Halloween.
"Myth Bust" it and give me the real story on how it all got started.

Post your scary digital manipulated photos, drawings, and other art work with with your enlightening story.

Part B

Yearbook assignment - Take photos of students and staff in their Halloween costumes. Use the some of the rules of composition from the previous assignment. Alter your viewpoint to exagerate features of the costumes and engage the subject in some form or gesture.
Submit your 10 best edited photos in the Digital Media Yearbook hand in folder.

Monday, October 20, 2014

10. ACSS Media Pass

You will  be going out during class time to photograph and video your digital media assignments and assigned school activities.

You will need an ACSS MEDIA PASS authorized by the School Administration. The MediaPass will be laminated and it is necessary to get you out of class and proceed with your assignment.

Using Photoshop, Design, Create and Print out your ACSS MEDIA PASS using the following criteria:

4 inches width
6  inches height
150 dpi resolution
Transparent Layers


Background Image – School Scene (your own photo)
Totems Logo
Your Photo
Your Full Name & signature
Grade Level and Student ID
Mr. Omorean’s name as the Teacher & signature


Light ACSS Background Image
School Name
School Address and Phone #
Mission Statement

Conditions of Media Pass:

This ACSS Student Media Pass is valid only for Aldergrove Community School Activities.
It allows entry to all Aldergrove Community School Activities with no cost to the student provided the student is on assignment with still or video photographic equipment

Events include: School Dances, Music Nights, Drama Performances, Sports Events or any other authorized ACSS events only with the consent of Mr.Omorean or ACSS Administration.

The Media pass must be worn during all assignments. All photos or video recordings must be school assignment focused and of a respectful nature that conforms to all ACSS Policies.

Save as a PSD - this will keep your layers intact.

For Printing:
Flatten Layers
Resize the image to Height 5"
Save as JPEG in the IT/Digtial Media Hand In Folder - Rename with your First and Last Name Front or Back

Post your ACSS Digital Media Pass on your Blog Site.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

9. Digital Manipulation of Photographs

In this assignment, you will be responsible for altering 5 different photographs in 5 different ways to achieve effects that were not otherwise there.

We will be going over several possible examples in class. Work with levels, curves, filters, clone stamp, or other tools to give your photo an unusual look.

Use your own photos for this project. NO internet photographs.

Post your photos indicating a step by step process on how you achieve your effects.

Photoshop example - This solarized effect was achieved by using curves in the Image menu.

  • go to image/adjustments/curves

  • make two points on the curve line and drag with mouse for the desired effect.
  • experiment with other points along the curve line

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

8. Digital Tools - The Camera

The camera is the most basic tool in Digital Media. It captures moments and displays events to convey a particular message.

Learning how to use the camera and create interesting and meaningful photographs is essential in this course. Always have your camera with you for this class and be ready at any time to go out on an assignment.

Explore the features of your camera found in the menu and make sure you know what each of the settings are used for. Most non-SLR type cameras also have a video feature. Familiarize yourself with these features.

1. Set your camera to the highest quality setting. For most cameras it is "Large, Fine, JPEG" and turn off the flash.

2. Set on program mode "P" or the settings you usually use.

3. Take a few photos around the school in different lighting conditions. Indoors, in hallways and the front foyer, possibly the gym or the tech areas. Then outdoors, in sunlight/overcast and shade.

4. Save these images in your student account, open them up in photoshop and do basic improvements such as straightening, cropping and correcting exposure by adjusting levels.

5. Post your best 5 photos that show good composition with titles and descriptions of each.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

7. Composition In Digital Photography

Composition improves the way you communicate through Photography!

Part A
1. Find the meaning of Artistic Composition and how it applies to Digital Photography.

2. Research and describe the following rules of Compositions.

Rule of Thirds
Points of Power
The Golden Rule
Vertical and Horizontal Lines
Oblique Lines
Curved Lines

3. Find and view 2 photos of each type of compostion which reinforces the above list.

Part B

1. Take your own photos demonstrating your creative use of composition from the above

     Resize, Straighten, Crop and adjust Histogram Levels in your photos.

2. Post this assignment with your best photos and identify each form of composition and 

Friday, October 3, 2014

6. ACSS Terry Fox Run



Your task is to photograph and report on the run as it is happening around the school.

Visualize the photos you want to take and where.

Upload your photos to your computer or e-mail them to yourself and:

1. Edit your photographs (select the better ones), then with photoshop, do the necessary cropping, correcting of exposures and resizing.

2. Of these, choose your best top 5 photos and submit them to the yearbook.

3. Choosing 3 photos of the run, post them on your blog with a description of how the Terry Fox run went. Blog on the event and indicate the participants in the photos and a general feeling of how the day went.

5. Terry Fox

Terry Fox Foundation

Find, research and then post an informative blog describing in your own words who Terry Fox was and what the Terry Fox Foundation is about.
Include some photographs and at least one link and a video about Terry Fox and the Terry Fox Foundation.