HALLOWEEN....what does it MEEN?
What are the origins of Halloween?
How did it all get started and how has it evolved into what we know as modern day Halloween?
Dig up some history on Halloween.
"Myth Bust" it and give me the real story on how it all got started.
"Myth Bust" it and give me the real story on how it all got started.
Post your scary digital manipulated photos, drawings, and other art work with with your enlightening story.
Part B
Yearbook assignment - Take photos of students and staff in their Halloween costumes. Use the some of the rules of composition from the previous assignment. Alter your viewpoint to exagerate features of the costumes and engage the subject in some form or gesture.
Submit your 10 best edited photos in the Digital Media Yearbook hand in folder.
Part B
Yearbook assignment - Take photos of students and staff in their Halloween costumes. Use the some of the rules of composition from the previous assignment. Alter your viewpoint to exagerate features of the costumes and engage the subject in some form or gesture.
Submit your 10 best edited photos in the Digital Media Yearbook hand in folder.