Tuesday, October 14, 2014

8. Digital Tools - The Camera

The camera is the most basic tool in Digital Media. It captures moments and displays events to convey a particular message.

Learning how to use the camera and create interesting and meaningful photographs is essential in this course. Always have your camera with you for this class and be ready at any time to go out on an assignment.

Explore the features of your camera found in the menu and make sure you know what each of the settings are used for. Most non-SLR type cameras also have a video feature. Familiarize yourself with these features.

1. Set your camera to the highest quality setting. For most cameras it is "Large, Fine, JPEG" and turn off the flash.

2. Set on program mode "P" or the settings you usually use.

3. Take a few photos around the school in different lighting conditions. Indoors, in hallways and the front foyer, possibly the gym or the tech areas. Then outdoors, in sunlight/overcast and shade.

4. Save these images in your student account, open them up in photoshop and do basic improvements such as straightening, cropping and correcting exposure by adjusting levels.

5. Post your best 5 photos that show good composition with titles and descriptions of each.

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