Tuesday, November 25, 2014

17. Comic Strip Story Board


Using a comic book strip as your story board, create an adapted 1 minute video using the scenes from the comic book strip.

Find a school appropriate comic book that you can work with.

  • Plan and adapt each scene from the storyboard. 
  • Decide who will be the director of the shoot.
  • Have your locations worked out.
  • Get your actors, props and costumes ready with the script.
  • Charge up your cameras and let it roll.
  • Shoot each scene in order as close as possible to the storyboard layout.
Use either Windows Movie Maker, Premiere Pro, or any other video editing program to put it all together.

Create an opening title and make sure you provide your credits at the end.

Good Luck!

Monday, November 24, 2014

16. What's a Storyboard?

Storyboards are essential for making short videos and feature film movies.

Find out what a storyboard is, why and how it is used.

View the video links provided on "Storyboarding".




 Do some other searches for "Storyboards" and make a detailed posting outlining the use of Storyboards providing examples as you explain this process.

Monday, November 17, 2014

15. What's Happening at ACSS

This assignment is about capturing some of the things that are happening at ACSS.

Investigate and document (photographs with detailed descriptions and some video clips) of a particular happening in the school during our block, lunch or after school.

Photo by Nessa

Drama: Zombie Patrol in Mr. McLauglin's Class.
The whole idea of this exercise was to improve body gestures for the stage by exaggerating odd and unusual body motion without dialogue.

Edit your photos and working with Photoshop, crop, correct exposures, and resize your images.
Post your best photos 5 photos with your comments and observations of what is happening in a particular class or event

Include 2 short video clips with Titles.

What's happening in:
Phys Ed
Main Office
Career Centre

If you have your own suggestions, consult with Mr. Omorean before you begin shooting the assignment.

Some basic rules:

  • Always ask permission : set up an appointment beforehand with the teacher/staff of the event or class you want to cover - Verify this with Mr. Omorean
  • have your camera charged and ready
  • be polite, courteous, and respectful in every situtation
  • thank the teacher and class
  • make them aware of how these photos and videos will be used and where to view them
  • Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    14. Social Media Safety

    Internet/Social Media Safety Education and Digital Citizenship presentation by Darren Laur

           What was interesting about the presentation?

     What did you learn from it?

           What can you do, as individuals, to keep and be  safe online?

          What can you do to protect your fellow students/community?

         How would students alert/tip adults at school or elsewhere when they suspect that they are at risk?

    Do you believe that the presentation was useful and informative and why.

    Provide links to this topic.

    Wednesday, November 5, 2014

    13. Lest We Forget

    Part A

    Remembrance Day is more than just a day when schools and banks close. Find out why and how November 11th is the day we remember our veterans.

    November 5th to 11th is Veterans’ Week. This year, there’s even a website http://www.vac.gc.ca/ with suggestions to get you started on a posting a Remembrance Day blog.

    Post an informative blog with photos, historical videos, and links to other sites that provide insight on Remembrance Day.

    Part B

    Honouring our soldiers : Invesigate and report on a recent Canadian fallen soldier. Include a photo of the soldier and an informative write up.

    How will you observe Remembrance Day? Did anyone in your family serve in a war?

    Adding photos of your own would bring special significance to this posting.

    Part C                  

    ACSS Remembrance Day Ceremony - Your final task for this assignment is to photograph and if possible take short videos of the  Remembrance Day Ceremony at our school. Edit and hand in your best 5 photos of the event for the Year Book.