Wednesday, November 5, 2014

13. Lest We Forget

Part A

Remembrance Day is more than just a day when schools and banks close. Find out why and how November 11th is the day we remember our veterans.

November 5th to 11th is Veterans’ Week. This year, there’s even a website with suggestions to get you started on a posting a Remembrance Day blog.

Post an informative blog with photos, historical videos, and links to other sites that provide insight on Remembrance Day.

Part B

Honouring our soldiers : Invesigate and report on a recent Canadian fallen soldier. Include a photo of the soldier and an informative write up.

How will you observe Remembrance Day? Did anyone in your family serve in a war?

Adding photos of your own would bring special significance to this posting.

Part C                  

ACSS Remembrance Day Ceremony - Your final task for this assignment is to photograph and if possible take short videos of the  Remembrance Day Ceremony at our school. Edit and hand in your best 5 photos of the event for the Year Book.

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