Monday, December 8, 2014

18. ACSS Instructional Video

Your next video assignment is to create an Instructional School Video.

Working with your partner, choose a course that you feel comfortable in, then investigate some instructional aspect that you want to video. Check with the teacher and get approval before you start.

Make sure you totally understand the skills invloved and the order that they should go in.

Create a detailed storyboard complete with narrative and all steps of the instuction. This must be approved by Mr. Omorean before you start. This is worth 25 marks.

Decide on your support crew, such as who will demonstrate the instuction and help with the set-up.

Video must be between 2 to 3 minutes in length. No shorter than 2, no longer than 3.

Time Line: You have 1 days to plan, create your storyboard and set-up your crew. Then 2 days to shoot your video and 2 days to finalize, edit and post your instructional video.

Final edited video is worth 75 marks. You will be also marked on a daily basis based on how much you accomplished each day.

Here are some examples to consider:

Science - How to light a Bunsen Burner
Auto -How to change a flat tire
Cooking - How to make chocolate chip cookies
Woodworking - How to properly use the band saw
Metal work - How to bend sheet metal
Math - How to solve a typical equation
Photo - How to load a film camera
Phys. Ed. - How to shoot a basketball foul throw
Hairdressing - How to cut hair
Textiles - How to use a sewing machine Art - How to draw a portrait in charcoal
Music - How play a scale on a Saxophone

View some short videos


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