Monday, December 15, 2014

19. Traditions and Customs of the Holiday Season

The Winter Holiday is nearly here, and for this blog your assignment is to communicate the traditions and customs you share with your family at this time of the year.

How does your family, friends and relatives celebrate this time of year?
Include a tasty holiday recipe you can share on your blog.
Use photos that shows the spirit of this season.
Include any other form of communication to enhance your blog.

Monday, December 8, 2014

18. ACSS Instructional Video

Your next video assignment is to create an Instructional School Video.

Working with your partner, choose a course that you feel comfortable in, then investigate some instructional aspect that you want to video. Check with the teacher and get approval before you start.

Make sure you totally understand the skills invloved and the order that they should go in.

Create a detailed storyboard complete with narrative and all steps of the instuction. This must be approved by Mr. Omorean before you start. This is worth 25 marks.

Decide on your support crew, such as who will demonstrate the instuction and help with the set-up.

Video must be between 2 to 3 minutes in length. No shorter than 2, no longer than 3.

Time Line: You have 1 days to plan, create your storyboard and set-up your crew. Then 2 days to shoot your video and 2 days to finalize, edit and post your instructional video.

Final edited video is worth 75 marks. You will be also marked on a daily basis based on how much you accomplished each day.

Here are some examples to consider:

Science - How to light a Bunsen Burner
Auto -How to change a flat tire
Cooking - How to make chocolate chip cookies
Woodworking - How to properly use the band saw
Metal work - How to bend sheet metal
Math - How to solve a typical equation
Photo - How to load a film camera
Phys. Ed. - How to shoot a basketball foul throw
Hairdressing - How to cut hair
Textiles - How to use a sewing machine Art - How to draw a portrait in charcoal
Music - How play a scale on a Saxophone

View some short videos


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

17. Comic Strip Story Board


Using a comic book strip as your story board, create an adapted 1 minute video using the scenes from the comic book strip.

Find a school appropriate comic book that you can work with.

  • Plan and adapt each scene from the storyboard. 
  • Decide who will be the director of the shoot.
  • Have your locations worked out.
  • Get your actors, props and costumes ready with the script.
  • Charge up your cameras and let it roll.
  • Shoot each scene in order as close as possible to the storyboard layout.
Use either Windows Movie Maker, Premiere Pro, or any other video editing program to put it all together.

Create an opening title and make sure you provide your credits at the end.

Good Luck!

Monday, November 24, 2014

16. What's a Storyboard?

Storyboards are essential for making short videos and feature film movies.

Find out what a storyboard is, why and how it is used.

View the video links provided on "Storyboarding".

 Do some other searches for "Storyboards" and make a detailed posting outlining the use of Storyboards providing examples as you explain this process.

Monday, November 17, 2014

15. What's Happening at ACSS

This assignment is about capturing some of the things that are happening at ACSS.

Investigate and document (photographs with detailed descriptions and some video clips) of a particular happening in the school during our block, lunch or after school.

Photo by Nessa

Drama: Zombie Patrol in Mr. McLauglin's Class.
The whole idea of this exercise was to improve body gestures for the stage by exaggerating odd and unusual body motion without dialogue.

Edit your photos and working with Photoshop, crop, correct exposures, and resize your images.
Post your best photos 5 photos with your comments and observations of what is happening in a particular class or event

Include 2 short video clips with Titles.

What's happening in:
Phys Ed
Main Office
Career Centre

If you have your own suggestions, consult with Mr. Omorean before you begin shooting the assignment.

Some basic rules:

  • Always ask permission : set up an appointment beforehand with the teacher/staff of the event or class you want to cover - Verify this with Mr. Omorean
  • have your camera charged and ready
  • be polite, courteous, and respectful in every situtation
  • thank the teacher and class
  • make them aware of how these photos and videos will be used and where to view them
  • Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    14. Social Media Safety

    Internet/Social Media Safety Education and Digital Citizenship presentation by Darren Laur

           What was interesting about the presentation?

     What did you learn from it?

           What can you do, as individuals, to keep and be  safe online?

          What can you do to protect your fellow students/community?

         How would students alert/tip adults at school or elsewhere when they suspect that they are at risk?

    Do you believe that the presentation was useful and informative and why.

    Provide links to this topic.

    Wednesday, November 5, 2014

    13. Lest We Forget

    Part A

    Remembrance Day is more than just a day when schools and banks close. Find out why and how November 11th is the day we remember our veterans.

    November 5th to 11th is Veterans’ Week. This year, there’s even a website with suggestions to get you started on a posting a Remembrance Day blog.

    Post an informative blog with photos, historical videos, and links to other sites that provide insight on Remembrance Day.

    Part B

    Honouring our soldiers : Invesigate and report on a recent Canadian fallen soldier. Include a photo of the soldier and an informative write up.

    How will you observe Remembrance Day? Did anyone in your family serve in a war?

    Adding photos of your own would bring special significance to this posting.

    Part C                  

    ACSS Remembrance Day Ceremony - Your final task for this assignment is to photograph and if possible take short videos of the  Remembrance Day Ceremony at our school. Edit and hand in your best 5 photos of the event for the Year Book.

    Monday, October 27, 2014

    11. Halloween

    HALLOWEEN....what does it MEEN?

    Part A

    What are the origins of Halloween?

    How did it all get started and how has it evolved into what we know as modern day Halloween?

    Dig up some history on Halloween.
    "Myth Bust" it and give me the real story on how it all got started.

    Post your scary digital manipulated photos, drawings, and other art work with with your enlightening story.

    Part B

    Yearbook assignment - Take photos of students and staff in their Halloween costumes. Use the some of the rules of composition from the previous assignment. Alter your viewpoint to exagerate features of the costumes and engage the subject in some form or gesture.
    Submit your 10 best edited photos in the Digital Media Yearbook hand in folder.

    Monday, October 20, 2014

    10. ACSS Media Pass

    You will  be going out during class time to photograph and video your digital media assignments and assigned school activities.

    You will need an ACSS MEDIA PASS authorized by the School Administration. The MediaPass will be laminated and it is necessary to get you out of class and proceed with your assignment.

    Using Photoshop, Design, Create and Print out your ACSS MEDIA PASS using the following criteria:

    4 inches width
    6  inches height
    150 dpi resolution
    Transparent Layers


    Background Image – School Scene (your own photo)
    Totems Logo
    Your Photo
    Your Full Name & signature
    Grade Level and Student ID
    Mr. Omorean’s name as the Teacher & signature


    Light ACSS Background Image
    School Name
    School Address and Phone #
    Mission Statement

    Conditions of Media Pass:

    This ACSS Student Media Pass is valid only for Aldergrove Community School Activities.
    It allows entry to all Aldergrove Community School Activities with no cost to the student provided the student is on assignment with still or video photographic equipment

    Events include: School Dances, Music Nights, Drama Performances, Sports Events or any other authorized ACSS events only with the consent of Mr.Omorean or ACSS Administration.

    The Media pass must be worn during all assignments. All photos or video recordings must be school assignment focused and of a respectful nature that conforms to all ACSS Policies.

    Save as a PSD - this will keep your layers intact.

    For Printing:
    Flatten Layers
    Resize the image to Height 5"
    Save as JPEG in the IT/Digtial Media Hand In Folder - Rename with your First and Last Name Front or Back

    Post your ACSS Digital Media Pass on your Blog Site.


    Thursday, October 16, 2014

    9. Digital Manipulation of Photographs

    In this assignment, you will be responsible for altering 5 different photographs in 5 different ways to achieve effects that were not otherwise there.

    We will be going over several possible examples in class. Work with levels, curves, filters, clone stamp, or other tools to give your photo an unusual look.

    Use your own photos for this project. NO internet photographs.

    Post your photos indicating a step by step process on how you achieve your effects.

    Photoshop example - This solarized effect was achieved by using curves in the Image menu.

    • go to image/adjustments/curves

    • make two points on the curve line and drag with mouse for the desired effect.
    • experiment with other points along the curve line

    Tuesday, October 14, 2014

    8. Digital Tools - The Camera

    The camera is the most basic tool in Digital Media. It captures moments and displays events to convey a particular message.

    Learning how to use the camera and create interesting and meaningful photographs is essential in this course. Always have your camera with you for this class and be ready at any time to go out on an assignment.

    Explore the features of your camera found in the menu and make sure you know what each of the settings are used for. Most non-SLR type cameras also have a video feature. Familiarize yourself with these features.

    1. Set your camera to the highest quality setting. For most cameras it is "Large, Fine, JPEG" and turn off the flash.

    2. Set on program mode "P" or the settings you usually use.

    3. Take a few photos around the school in different lighting conditions. Indoors, in hallways and the front foyer, possibly the gym or the tech areas. Then outdoors, in sunlight/overcast and shade.

    4. Save these images in your student account, open them up in photoshop and do basic improvements such as straightening, cropping and correcting exposure by adjusting levels.

    5. Post your best 5 photos that show good composition with titles and descriptions of each.

    Tuesday, October 7, 2014

    7. Composition In Digital Photography

    Composition improves the way you communicate through Photography!

    Part A
    1. Find the meaning of Artistic Composition and how it applies to Digital Photography.

    2. Research and describe the following rules of Compositions.

    Rule of Thirds
    Points of Power
    The Golden Rule
    Vertical and Horizontal Lines
    Oblique Lines
    Curved Lines

    3. Find and view 2 photos of each type of compostion which reinforces the above list.

    Part B

    1. Take your own photos demonstrating your creative use of composition from the above

         Resize, Straighten, Crop and adjust Histogram Levels in your photos.

    2. Post this assignment with your best photos and identify each form of composition and 

    Friday, October 3, 2014

    6. ACSS Terry Fox Run



    Your task is to photograph and report on the run as it is happening around the school.

    Visualize the photos you want to take and where.

    Upload your photos to your computer or e-mail them to yourself and:

    1. Edit your photographs (select the better ones), then with photoshop, do the necessary cropping, correcting of exposures and resizing.

    2. Of these, choose your best top 5 photos and submit them to the yearbook.

    3. Choosing 3 photos of the run, post them on your blog with a description of how the Terry Fox run went. Blog on the event and indicate the participants in the photos and a general feeling of how the day went.

    5. Terry Fox

    Terry Fox Foundation

    Find, research and then post an informative blog describing in your own words who Terry Fox was and what the Terry Fox Foundation is about.
    Include some photographs and at least one link and a video about Terry Fox and the Terry Fox Foundation.

    Monday, September 29, 2014

    4. Your Digital Self

    Digital Media is a form of mass communication in our world
    ·      it  refers to any type of information in digital format including computer text, graphics, photographs, animations, sounds and video.
    ·       it's the combination of digital technology and creativity, communicating ideas and opinions to our society.
    ·      it  represents new ways of communicating between people

    View the YouTube Video "What is Digital Media" posted by Kevin Kuo on his blog site
    This video creatively shows many ways how Digital Media can be expressed.

    Your next task in digital media is to communicate by using digital images and graphics.

    Using Photoshop or Paint as a tool, create a "Digital Representation of Yourself".

    This digital representation should communicate through images, who you are, what you do, what your interests are, what activities your involved in, your passions in your life and basically, what you are all about.

    Get a vision in your mind of what your digital self would look like
    Be creative your approach and display
    Use as many of your own photographs as possible
    Use Layers in Photoshop to build your Digital Self

    A brief tutorial will be presented in class to get you started in Photoshop

    Post your Digital Self on your blog site when completed


    Thursday, September 25, 2014

    3. Giving Constructive Feedback

    Congratulations on creating your blog and making your first posting.

    Go to your blog settings and ensure that you are able to 'moderate' comments. This will require you to fill in an email address -- one that you check frequently.
    The next task is to follow, view, and comment on five of your classmates' blogs.

    Give constructive feedback on their
    • definition of Digital Media
    • choice of photos used to illustrate what 'digital media' is about
    • creativity used in presenting Digital Media


    Wednesday, September 24, 2014

    2. Blogging: An Introduction to Digital Media

    Create your own ACSS Digital Media Blog on

    Take a "quick tour" on setting up a blog and check out the "video tutorial" feature.

    Decide which template you wish to use along with your choice of colors and fonts and complete your profile.

    For your first post, explain and illustrate in your own terms, what Digital Media is all about.
    Use your photographs to reinforce your ideas and examples.
    Be creative in how you display your Introduction to Digital Media Post.

    After creating your digital blog, provide your URL address so links can be made to this site.

    1.1 What is Digital Media?

    Media is a form of mass communication.  It is spread through the internet T.V., radio, magazines, books, newspapers etc. 

    Digital Media
    ·       refers to any type of information in digital format including computer text, graphics, photographs, animations, sounds and video.

    ·       is the combination of digital technology & creativity, communicating ideas and opinions to our society.

    ·       represents new ways of communicating between people.

    Examples of Digital Media could include:
    • Digital photography
    • Computer Image Creation
    • Interactive multimedia
    • Digital video and film production
    • Web design
    • Digital animation
    • Digital sound technology
    • Graphic design for print and web

    Introduction: What is Digital Media?
    1. Research and include your own definition of Digital Media 
    2. Include 3 more forms of  Digital Media to this list.                 
    3. Research and explain in your own written words each of the examples above.
    4. Provide your own photographs to accompany your explanation for each type of digital media.
    5. What are the tools of Digtial Media?
    Create your Digital Media folder in dropbox and save your work. You will be needing this information for your first Digital Media Assignment.

    Monday, September 22, 2014

    1. Digital Media

    Welcome to ACSS Digital Media

    Before we get going on the course, your first task is to find out what Digital Media is all about.

    So using some digital tools, like the computer you are on now, the Internet, Office Word and Photoshop, find out and present in a concise and creative manner what Digital Media means to you.

    Introduction to Digital Media:
    1. Research and include your own definition of Digital Media.
    2. List as many forms of Digital Media as you can.           
    3. Research and explain in your own written words each of your examples above.
    4. Provide your own photographs to accompany your explanation for each type of digital media.
    5. What are the tools of Digital Media?

    Create your Digital Media folder in Dropbox and save your work. You will be needing this information for your first Digital Media Assignment.